Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who's homework is it?

Today I get home from work and my daughter is telling my mom that her project and report are due tomorrow. My dad is sitting on the couch writing her report for her and my mom is at the kitchen table building her project for her. Where is my daughter? She’s watching TV in her bedroom. I went off on all of them. How is that teaching her anything about her responsibilities? I had to give myself a time out when I found out that she knew about these assignments for three weeks. She came to me and asked me to draw a picture on the front of her report. I said for her to do it herself and no more. I couldn't trust myself to say anymore at the time. I wish my parents did my homework for me when i was younger. Dang

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Should I be mad?

My parents still have legal guardianship of my daughters. So should I be upset about my mom taking my daughter to get her hair chopped off without me? I loved her long beautiful hair and I told her that she needed to think about whether or not it was what she wanted to do and not what someone else wanted her to do. That was the last I heard of it, and when I came home from work her hair was cut short. I was told that it was supposed to be a surprise for me but I will admit that I was mad. Not because she cut her hair but because I wasn’t there. They couldn’t have waited until I was home from work to go? Should I be mad? I can’t seem to let it go.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Never Satisfied

This week my girls and I have been fantasizing about what our life would be like if and when we are able to move out together. One would think that our being together after ten years would be the most important thing. Oh but of course not. My oldest daughter is 13 yrs old, and says to me that if she is not going to upgrade to her own room then she does not want to move out with me. Ummm. What to do?
She’s at that age where she feels entitled to have what all her friends have if not better. The I-pod with the video screen, the cell phone with the internet that costs $999.00, the mini notebook with a personalized cover. I mean when is it ever going to be enough? When I was her age I didn’t text; we sent notes in class. I never had a phone; I had to walk 40 miles to a pay phone. I didn’t have the internet, I yelled from across the street, “hey do you want to be my friend, we could play a game?”
My point is What ever happened to the simple things in life like quality time? Whatever happened to doing what you’re told instead of asking why? And since when do kids get to put stipulations and conditions on their parents? I might be a little out of touch when it comes to parenting due to the fact that I have not raised my kids for the last ten years but come on…..

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where do I begin?

I guess it all starts with my mistakes. I was only 16 when I had my first daughter, and I guess I just wasent ready as a teenager for the responsibilities of motherhood. My parents tricked me into getting gaurdianship of my three girls and for good reason. I wasn't making the right decisions and put myself and all the "experiences" that I would miss out on before my children. I just don't get how many times I need to say that I'm sorry? Why do I feel like I have to continually proove my worth as a mother to everyone and when will I be able to have my girls back in my life for good?